Canada>Canada cialis supplies in norfolk uk This is a groove-based album at its core, firmly placed in a tradition built by Curtis Mayfield and Marvin Gaye. “Sugar Won’t Work” finds Costello paired with an orchestra and a funky “Superfly” bass-line. This is the most authentic soul music Costello has ever produced. It’s something he has experimented with before, but he has never fully succeeded at this level. The Roots are most definitely the ones to thank. Together, they are making a record on par with Motown’s funky output from the late ’60s and early ’70s. Here the Roots are acting as the modern answer to the Funk Brothers. This gets to be increasingly true as the disc progresses, from the nearly acid-washed jam of “Refuse to Be Saved” to the mighty, slow, menacing strut of “Wake Me Up.”